A Boy and His Dog

Sebastián believes not greeting a street dog is a terribly rude thing to do. He says he loves all animals, but he admits he has a soft spot for dogs. And it’s a good thing he does, because now, thanks to that soft spot a street dog has found a home.

We met Lucky last week – before he was officially “Lucky” – as Sebastián carried him into the clinic. He had found him at a nearby bus stop in Isla Teja. Lucky had an awful gash on one of his legs, another wound on the inside of the same leg and a smaller one on his neck. He was tired, dehydrated and underfed. He could barely move.

Sebastián saw him and immediately came to the clinic. He told us he had found a bleeding dog at a bus stop and didn’t know what to do. He remembered we were close by so he came. He says he has always loved animals, and when we asked him what made him stop and look for help, he said he just couldn’t leave the dog all alone. Sebastián is a student and doesn’t have the means to pay for veterinary care for this dog he had found on the street. We told him to bring him in, and to worry about the money later. In just a few minutes, he was back with the dog in his arms.

After a physical exam, it was clear Lucky’s wounds were the result of a fight. And it was not his first one, as we realized later, after noticing the dog had quite a few old scars. One was long and thick, and covered most of his back. Dr. Angélica determined it was vital to stabilize and hydrate Lucky before tending to his wounds. Once he was in better condition, Lucky was sedated and his wounds were treated. The gash on his leg was very wide, which made it quite difficult to treat.

By the second day, Lucky’s condition was already improving. His wounds were looking a much better and, although he was still visibly tired, he had a lot more energy.

Lucky spent 3 days at the GAAP. On the first day, we posted his picture on the clinic’s facebook page hoping to find any information about him. Was there a worried owner waiting for him? We assumed he hadn’t had an owner in a long time. Maybe Lucky was one of the many free-roaming dogs in Isla Teja.

Did he even have a name? Many people shared the photo but no one had any information about him. We were worried about what would happen to him after recovery. If he was a street dog, would he end up back on the streets? We needed to find this dog an owner. He was still recovering; he needed a warm place to stay, he needed special care and constant attention.

During those three days at the clinic, Sebastián was a constant presence for Lucky. He visited, he called and always asked about his progress. We saw him form a bond with this unknown dog he had found on the street. He clearly wanted to adopt him, but he was unsure. He didn’t know if he would be allowed to have him or if he would be able to offer Lucky the kind of attention and care he needed. The love he had for this dog, though, was palpable. From the first moment, we knew he could be the person Lucky needed.

As the fourth day approached, our worries grew. Finding a home for Lucky was urgent. We knew Sebastián wanted to keep him but we didn’t know if he would be able to. As we were running out of options, the phone rang. It was Sebastián saying he had decided to keep the dog, and that he would be coming to the clinic to pick him up and take him home. We were so happy!

He came for the dog that same afternoon, and he had a name for him: Lucky. It is rare that we see an owner as concerned and caring as Sebastián. He says he had wanted a dog for a while and when he saw no one claimed Lucky, he knew this could be his chance. And seeing them together, it is clear that both Sebastián and Lucky found their perfect companion.


Going South: From New York to Valdivia, Chile


The GAAP is one of OneGreenPlanet’s Top Six Animal Response Groups