Stories of creating a
healthier world

Response to BBC Earth’s video “Sea Lions vs. Dogs”

Hace un par de semanas, como comunidad y región, fuimos testigos de hechos repudiables de maltrato animal. Como organización promotora y comprometida con la educación en tenencia responsable, queremos compartir nuestra opinión y sumar a más tutores, tutoras y la comunidad en general, a seguir trabajando para construir un mejor vínculo con nuestras mascotas y el medioambiente. 

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Responsible Pet Care, Veterinary Medicine Communications The GAAP Responsible Pet Care, Veterinary Medicine Communications The GAAP

While You Wait: Engaging Kids in Responsible Pet Care

What better way to learn about how to care for your pets than by playing? At our veterinary clinic in Valdivia, Chile, our smallest clients are getting a chance to practice their responsible pet owner habits and learning about what their pets really need at our new “kids’ corner” within our clinic waiting room!

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Postura Institucional / Public Statement

Hace un par de semanas, como comunidad y región, fuimos testigos de hechos repudiables de maltrato animal. Como organización promotora y comprometida con la educación en tenencia responsable, queremos compartir nuestra opinión y sumar a más tutores, tutoras y la comunidad en general, a seguir trabajando para construir un mejor vínculo con nuestras mascotas y el medioambiente. 

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Education, Responsible Pet Care, Chile Communications The GAAP Education, Responsible Pet Care, Chile Communications The GAAP

The next generation of responsible pet owners

This year our One Health Educators, Paula and Nadia, had the opportunity to spend four weeks with five different classes at a school in Freirina, a small community in northern Chile, engaging the students in workshops about pet health and welfare, through a One Health lens. After facilitating eight workshops with each class, Nadia and Paula asked the kids to reflect on how they will put into action what they had learned through the workshops.

One 8-year old boy, Julián, shared that after the workshops, he approached his dad about having their family's dog vaccinated and dewormed…

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Education Communications The GAAP Education Communications The GAAP

Tuning In to One Health in Todos Santos

In Todos Santos, Guatemala, our talented para-veterinarian, Andrés, has added a new skill to his resume – radio host! Given the restrictions in place with COVID, our education program in Todos Santos has been limited

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Chile Communications The GAAP Chile Communications The GAAP

The lonely road of pet abandonment

When I think of Christmas, I think of family. Spending time together, playing games and eating good food, relaxing and reminiscing. Part of those memories always include our family pets-they are indeed part of our

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