Making quality veterinary care accessible for all

People ask us how we manage to deliver veterinary health care on an equal basis. Here is the breakdown of how normal people (like you!) from all over the world make it possible:

First, the person and animal in need must find the GAAP. We hope this is an easy process, and truthfully, much of it is by word of mouth. Often they have been turned away from other care providers because they didn’t have the resources to cover the cost and someone tells them about our subsidy program.

Next, the GAAP veterinary team assesses the animal and provides them with excellent care, not contingent upon the caretaker’s ability to pay.

Then, the caretaker completes a form to allow the GAAP to better understand their financial situation and their need. Our P.E.T. (Providing Equitable Treatment) Fund, created and sustained by the donations (big and small) of supporters all over the world, allows us to offer flexible price points and payment options for people and their pets who would not otherwise be able to access important (and sometimes life-saving) veterinary care. We gather information from the caregivers to ensure your donations are going to those who have the greatest need.

Finally, with an assessment of the situation, we create a payment arrangement that may involve discounts and/or payment plans. Animal and caregiver return to a mutually loving relationship in which they both offer one another an important source of comfort and care. We stay in touch with the client and encourage them through regular communications to come in yearly for their pets regular check-ups and vaccinations.


Every dollar that you donate (up to $10,000) will be matched this holiday season!

You can double the good by donating now to our equality for all campaign.​


Our main security in life is our dog, Coco


Street dogs as symbols of protests