Growing together, in nature

Starting in December 2021, we kicked off a series of ongoing visits from a local scout group to the Nature Discovery Center and the surrounding wetlands. The group is made up of all girls, ranging in age from 8 to 16, and all with an interest in our natural world. In total, their time with us will span 10 visits - 5 in the forest and 5 in kayaks, exploring the globally-important wetlands of Southern Chile. On the first day of kayaking, the girls were hesitant. Most didn’t even know how to swim, let alone maneuver a kayak. But, each time they have gotten stronger, always challenging themselves and encouraging one another. 

We were feeling so proud of their advances, and then, just as we had ventured out a bit further one day, it happened. An unexpected burst of windy weather made it nearly impossible for a few of the girls to row back to the dock, and they were stuck with one of the guides, separated from the rest of the group. Instead of panicking, the girls followed what they had learned. They blew their whistles to signal that help was needed, and another guide came back to pull them to safety. We worried - would this scary situation leave the girls feeling defeated and discouraged from taking on the next adventure?

To our surprise, the opposite was true. The girls saw the challenge as an opportunity to work together, and each played a role, whether it was encouraging each other, communicating, comforting, leading, or listening. At the end, they reflected on what they had accomplished together, and they were more ready than ever for the next opportunity to strengthen their skills! We are so proud of this group of girls, and we have enjoyed watching them expand their knowledge and grow their curiosity of nature, while also working together to overcome any potential obstacle. These are the future leaders of our world and the future caretakers of our planet, and we love seeing them in action!


A “champion’s” fight


The next generation of responsible pet owners